McGee: On Food & Cooking - Kitchen Science, History and Culture
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När Harold McGee först släppte On Food and Cooking 1984 dubbades den genast till mästerverk och har sedan dess hållit sin plats bland de stora verken inom matlagningskonsten. Denna utgåva är helt reviderad och uppdaterad. Med en struktur liknande ett uppslagsverk innehåller de 884 sidorna ovärderliga kunskaper.
“A goldmine of information about every ingredient and cooking process, answering all the questions you will ever have about food. Without a single 'recipe' in it, I think it's one of the most important food books ever written”
Jamie Oliver
“Never before has so much information been made so approachable. For anyone remotely interested in food Harold McGee's brilliant reworking of his original masterpiece must go down as one of the greatest cookery books ever written”
Heston Blumenthal
“One of the most important books ever written about food, and one of the most enjoyable... McGee has become a godfather figure for all right-thinking chefs and food writers”
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Hardback - 884 pages.
ISBN - 978-0340831496
Lev. artikelnummer: 9780340831496 EAN: 9780340831496
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