Nitrilhandske, svart, extra kraftig, 100-pack - Unigloves

Engångshandskar i nitril i extra kraftigt snitt. Den tjocka modellen kommer i svart medan du som vill färgmatcha får nöja dig med standardhandsken som inte heller är så illa. Kraftigheten i handsken gör den väldigt slittålig. Även manschetten är förstärkt för att det inte ska rinna in BBQ-sås eller liknande. Finns i fyra storlekar. Typ av material: Nitril
Färg: Svart
Längd: 240mm nTjocklek: 0,12mm i handflatan, 0,15mm i fingrarna nGreppvänlig yta på fingrarna och i handflata nAmbidextriös: Ja, det är bara att rycka en handske och trä på vilken hand ni vill
Steril: Nej
Latexfri: Ja nPuderfri: Ja
Silikonfri: Ja, lämnar därför inte märken på glas eller metall
Ftalatfri: Ja nAntistatisk: Nej nTouchscreen-kompatibel: Ja, du kan kladda på med Thermomixen i godan ro med handskarna på nKemikalieresistans: E374 nTestad enligt E1186: Ja, vilket gör den helt livsmedelsgodkänd i alla lägen nAntal per förpackning: 100stLite finstilt för den intresserade: Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 nEN ISO 374-1:2016
EN ISO 374-1:2016 nE374-4: 2013 (%) nNaOH 40% (K) 6 n-78.9
E37-4:2013 Degradation levels indicate the change in puncture resistance of the gloves after exposure to the challenge chemical. Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 nTime n>10 n>30 n>60 n>120 n>240 n>480
This information does not reflect the actual duration of protection in the workplace and the differentiation between mixtures and pure chemicals. The chemical resistance has been assessed under laboratory conditions from samples taken from the palm only and relates only to the chemical tested. It can be different if the chemical is used in a mixture. nIt is recommended to check that the gloves are suitable for the intended use because the conditions at the workplace may be different from the type test depending on temperature, abrasion and degradation. When used, protection gloves may provide less resistance to the dangerous chemical due to changes in physical properties. Movement, snagging, rubbing, degradation caused by the chemical contact etc. may reduce the actual use time significantly. For corrosive chemicals, degradation can be the most important factor to consider in selection of chemical resistant gloves.
Before usage, inspect the gloves for any defect or imperfections. nEN ISO 374-5:2016
Fungi nVirusThe penetration resistance has been assessed under laboratory conditions and relates only to the tested specimen. PPE certification (2016/425 #B & #C2) provided by: SATRA Technology Europe, Bracetown Business Park, Clonee, D15 Y2P, IRL (2777) nCompliant with: Medical Devices Regulation (EU) 2017/745
Class 1 Medical Device nOther information nContains accelerators which may cause allergic reactions.
Fit for special purpose: gloves are designed to be tight fitting to the hand, therefore they may not meet the requirements of E420. Food safe. Single use only. Non-sterile. Does not contain latex. Store between 5 and 40 degrees Celsius. Store in dry conditions. Store away from direct sunlight and heat. Packaging is recyclable.
Storlek: Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small
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